Open Line/Cable dialog

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Open Line/Cable dialog


To use the built-in line/cable module of ATPDraw the user must first select the LCC under Line/Cable item in the selection menu. The number of phases are specified within the dialog box (#Ph) with three phases as default. From version 7, an integer number (2G=2147483647) of phases is supported, in 3-phase or single-phase view. A single support file LCC.SUP is the basis for all LCC objects. Clicking on this component will bring up a special input dialog box called the Line/cable dialog.


An LCC object can be a template and used by a component called LCC section (LCC_). When an LCC object is a template is is not written to the ATP file, has no node connections and 'template' is written in the icon. The LCC section object have length, freq and rho data parameter and this automatically replaces the standard parameters given in the LCC template. In the LCC section object, the user has to select the template and also give name to the UseAs string. The final lib-file will get the name template_useas.lib. When the LCC template object changes, the icon of LCC section objects are automatically updated. New lib-files will be created when ATP is executed (F2) when either the template object or the line section length have changed. Using the Internal Parser all data in the LCC object can be given a Variable name assigned globally and in this way monitor the effect of parameter changes.




When the required data are specified the user can close the dialog by clicking on OK. This will store the specified data internally in the data structure, and if several LCC objects share the same name the data is also copied to them. The name is set under System type and is shown in the dialog header. The user can also export the data to the disk library for later import. The default extension is alc file (atpdraw line/cable) and the preferred location is the /LCC directory. The user is also asked if ATP should be executed to produce the required atp, punch and lib files under ResultDir. If the user answers No on the this question, ATP is not executed, and the user is prompted again later when creating the final ATP file under ATP|Make file or ATP|Run ATP. The user can also modify the icon of line/cable (Edit icon), but this is overwritten if the number of phases #Ph is changed since the default icon then is reloaded.


Important: The Noda line/cable data format does not allow the full path of the lib-file to be written in the ATP file. As a result the lib file should be stored in the same directory as the final atp file. This should not be a problem from version 5 since ResultDir force all results to this directory. However, if there has been changes in Resultdir using ATP|Sub-process|Make ATP file the location might be different. In general the $Prefix/$Suffix option can be turned on.


It is very important to ensure a correct ATP installation and setup of the ATP command in ATPDraw. This is done under Tools|Options under Preferences. It is recommended to use batch files. Two such files will be distributed with ATPDraw (runATP_G for the recommended GNU version and runATP_W for the Watcom versions). If the setup of ATP is incorrect, line and cable models will not be produced. When creating a Noda line/cable model the Armafit program is executed automatically to create the required lib-file. The Armafit command is specified under Tools|Options under Preferences. The batch file runAF.bat is distributed with ATPDraw. Since all files are written to ResultDir, the ATP|Settings/Format $Suffix and $Prefix cards could always be inserted.


The Line/cable dialog consists of three pages (where the line and cable page overlap):

Model data page

Line data page which overlaps the

Cable data page

Node page added to version 5.3.


In the Line/cable dialog the user can select

System type:

Name: Name of the object and final lib-file. Must be unique for objects not sharing lib-files.

Template: If checked the object becomes a template (not written to the ATP-file). Add LCC section objects to use the template (with length, freq, and rho variations). Many LCC sections can share the same LCC template and changes in the cross section is made only in the template.

Number of phases: 1-2G (=2147483647).

Overhead line: LINE CONSTANTS

Single core cables: CABLE PARAMETERS

Enclosing pipe: CABLE PARAMETERS


Bergeron: Constant parameter KCLee or Clark models

PI: Nominal PI-equivalent (short lines)

JMarti: Frequency dependent model with constant transformation matrix

Noda: Frequency dependent model

Semlyen: Frequency dependent simple fitted model (not supported in CABLE PARAMETERS)


Displays the cross section of the specified line or cable.

Zooming is supported with speed- or mouse- buttons  (in: left, out: right).

Copying to the Windows clipboard is supported in either bitmap or metafile formats.


Selecting this button will establish a LINE MODEL FREQUENCY SCAN  or a Power Frequency Calculation data case. Further ATP is executed and ATPDraw reads the generated LIS file and displays the result. This enables the user to compare his line/cable model with an exact PI-equivalent as a function of frequency, or verify the power frequency benchmark data for zero/positve short circuit impedances, reactive open circuit line charging, and mutual zero sequence coupling. The LINE MODEL FREQUENCY SCAN feature of ATP does not work for Noda models.



This will request the name of the component (can also be used to change the name) and execute ATP to produce a puch file automatically transformered into a Data Base Module file (ResultDir+ComponentName+.LIB). This file is added to the final ATP file via the $Include command. If the user do not execute ATP in the dialog it is executed later when the final ATP file is created. This is generally not recommende since it this could be difficult to figure out which LCC module failed.


OK button

A click on OK is followed by a request to run ATP and to specify the Name of the component. The execution of ATP is optional, and if the user click on No, ATP will instead be executed when the final ATP-file is created. The name of the component is mandatory and is written in the header of the LCC dialog. The name of the component will be the name of the lib file created in the ResultDir directory and is added to the ATP file via a call to $Include. A click on Cancel in the ATP request or Name dialogs will cancel the entire closing operation and return to the LCC dialog.

After the ATP and Name requests the data in the dialog is copied into the component in memory. If several components share the same name the data in the dialog is also be copied to them. The user is given a warning and thus get a chance to Cancel the operation and change the name of the component if the multiple instant was unintented. The warning about unsupported Undo is due to the fact that Undo will only restore the edited component and not the other which just inherits its poperties.



These buttons are used to import or export the LCC data from/to an external library.


Edit defin.

This buttons shows the Edit Definitions/Support dialog. Here the user can edit the icons and specify a local help string. Be aware of that the icon will be overwritten if the number of phases changes. The Node information is also easily overwritten.