ATPDraw latest version (7.6), Aug. 30, 2024
The following updates are included in ATPDraw 7.6:
- Significant updates of UMSYN component.
- Rotor type with full second order fitting similar to type 59.
- Mechanical damping also in [pu]
- Copy/paste of coil data from UMSYN (and UMIND) to UM_1, (and UM_3/UM_4).
- Multimass component for universal machines (up 26 masses, flexible units).
- Governor (hydro and thermal) and Exciter (ST1, AC1, DC1) controls for electrical machines. Exa_30 shows usage.
- Updated Compress dialog. Data and Nodes are on separate tabs. Page number assignment to data allows multiple tabed data input. Useful for complex groups.
- Bug fix and updates related to LCC_ sections in case of template swop.
- Bug fix related to LCC Internal calculation at very high frequencies. Transposition now average diagonal elements and use analytical eigenspace for JMarti and ULM.
- Bug fix for MODELS change inside Groups. Node/Data subscription no longer reset if Model instance is updated.
- New examples Exa_29 for lightning study with ULM, and Exa_30 for the various controls with synchronous machines (SM, UM_1 and UMSYN).
- Synchronous and universal machines in internal solver. No controls. Multimass component required for universal machines.
- Updated User Manual.
ATPDraw previous version (7.5), Nov. 20, 2023
The following updates are included in ATPDraw 7.5:
- Support of universal line model, ULM Foreign Model (Leal-De Conti-Zanon) v3.2. The model requires an updated solver available in the EEUG 2023 distribution. No steady-state initialization is available at this point. Frequency scan not possible. The ULM model is a phase domain, frequency dependent transmission line model without a constant transformation matrix assumption based on the work by Morched-Gustavsen-Tartibi "A universal model for accurate calculation of electromagnetic transients on overhead lines and underground cables", TRPWD, 1999. It is the only model in ATP that will give correct induced voltages in a cable system. The ULM model in ATPDraw 7.5 is implemented in the LCC object and uses overhead line and cable parameter based internal calculations and Vector Fitting directly implemented in ATPDraw. Usage of the model is thus simple and equivalent to the other line/cable models supported.
- Updates in LCC Section
- Dialog let the user control if Frequency and Ground Resistivity should be set or inherited from the Template.
- Updates the template data if changed when the final ATP is created. Previously, a Template could be deleted and replace by another Template having the same name but different content without being noticed. Now, the section is forced to followed the named Template in the project.
- Support of import of series impedance (Z) and shunt admittance (Y) matrices as function of frequency to the LCC object. The matrices can thus come from external sources like FEM software. Internal scaling with length and fitting to PI, Bergeron, JMarti and ULM is supported.
- Multi-run improvements. The missing LIS-file observed in some extensive multi-run cases seems to originate from system overloading. The new version slows down GUI updates while running the simulation, and this seems to improve the situation. Failed simulations are reported at the end of the log-file (not new in v7.5).
- XML-project file error related to variables corrected. CapAngle loaded.
- Internal solver. A limited internal transient solver with steady-state initialization and frequency scan available. Press Ctrl-key when running the simulation to activate.
- Supports around 70 components, but no controls, machines and BCTRAN/XFRM.
- Uses nodal admittance matrix formulation based on trapezoidal rule of integration. Voltage sources and switches modeled by augmentation.
- Sparse system matrix with partial LU factorization. No limits on size.
- Object oriented data structure enables simpler future expansions.
- Uses interpolation for switching and segment change events in the core of the timestep loop. Potential robust handling of power electronics and pseudo nonlinearities.
- Supports ULM with steady-state initialization and frequency scan.
- Creates a debug window with all plots and simulation times, but also a pl4 file.
- New User Manual updated to cover new features, espcially in line/cable modeling.
- Patch 1 fixes
- SWIT_3XT error in Solver
- Number of cables in LCC was disabled. Works on Data page only.
- Patch 2 fixes
- LCC Pipe data was not properly stored in v7.5 (pipe data moved to cable data page).
- PI_CAB3S component was not written to ATP-file unless copies (wrong initial type).
- Internal solver plot window updated with context menu and cursor.
- Patch 3 fixes
- Harmonic source (HFS_SOUR) access violation error
- Clarke transform (ABC2xyz) sign error in beta-component
- New differential relay (W1RELAY87TT) for 3-winding transformer, instantaneous type according to Gajic.
- Internal Solver has JMarti model in LCC implemented. In the process an inaccuracy in the transmission line buffer handling was fixed and this improved the ULM implementation as well.
- Internal Solver has synchronous machine T59/58 according to Karaagac (PS-dq0) implemented. No saturation or output of MFORCE/MANGLE at this point. Very similar results as native ATP versions, but less oscillations. Initialization according to Theory Book.
- Patch 4 fixes
- LIB-files were not written to disk for User Specified components (Exa_6 and Exa_11 examples)
- Internal solver
- ULM & Sections not properly handled if equal sections
- RL couples lines had incorrect steady-state representation
- Synchronous machine model fixes. MFORCE/MANGLE output. No saturation.
- Patch 5 fixes
- LCC Matrix Import with frequency dependent shunt admittance Y=G+jwC
- Help files for machines updated
- Internal solver SM-model optimized (still no saturation). No crash for unsupported components.
- Patch 6 fixes
- Accidentally misalignment of record structures. Reported showing up as problem loading projects with BCTRAN.
ATPDraw previous version (7.4), June 26, 2023
Ground-breaking version with significant developments in Variables and Line/Cable modelling.
- Completely new handling of Variables.
- Specify MyVar=MyExpression in a syntax highlighted scripting window
- Expression with variables can be assigned to DATA.
- Comments enabled with % and /*..*/. Comment out variables or add information.
- Variable names longer than 5/6 characters can be used.
- Debugger with breakpoints and workspace added.
- Faster operation in objects, LCC etc.
- Internal Line Constants and Cable Parameters procedure
- Linear algebra unit, Bessel functions and Eigenvalues
- Vector Fitting added
- Significant improvements to JMarti models at low frequencies via Vector Fitting.
- Universal Line Model demo version. TYPE94 implementation (slow).
- Thread-safe, no disk interaction.
- Web uploads/downloads from removed. The web-service provider restricted the use of port used by MySQL.
- Fewer Forms are auto-created at start-up, making ATPDraw show up faster with less memory consumption.
- LCC_ sections checks if its Template exists and let the user choose to assign a new Template or keep using the old data.
- Parameters and multiple-runs allowed in the fitted lightning sources.
- Updated project file format. Version 7.3 cannot read project files from version 7.4. Do not switch to this new version in the middle of a project.
- New components:
- EXTRACT1/EXTRACT3. Extended MODELS WriteMaxMin components with Tstart, Tstop, Scale, OnScreen capture, multiple-run tracking
- SATTRAFO1. Single-phase saturable transformer for 2-6 windings.
- TLPDVF. Transmission Line Phase Domain Vector Fitting. MODEL used in Universal Line Model, state space implementation in TYPE94.
- Patch 1 (Aug. 8, 2023)
- Corrects problem with loading XML project files (Variables).
- Corrects missing nonlinear points when loading project files prior to v7.0
- Stores Probe_d selections
- Reverts the mouse wheel change
- Restored feedback from LCC if ATP is unable to create model
- Removed shortcut keys for zooming (+/- keys)
- Patch 2 (includes patch 1, Aug. 25, 2023)
- Fixes runtime error (217) for Tmax<0
- Fixes incorrect period '.' added to exponential numbers without Internal Parser
- Fixes SatTrafo 2-winding that icorrectly removed a row in the input grid instead of a column
- Fixes LCC Cable outer diameter input field that entered an eternal loop in case of incorrect format
- SinglePhaseIcon attribute added to XML-files (comp_content)
- JMarti internal parameters and vector-fitting. Correction in linear algebra module that now prevents the dramatic consequence of eigenvalue switchover issues.
- Universal line model (ULM). Improvements in fitting and support of the Foreign Model published by Felipe O.S. Zanon, Osis E.S. Leal, Alberto De Conti, "Implementation of the universal line model in the Alternative Transients Program", Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 197, p. 107311, Aug. 2021. So far not part of the ATP distribution but under debugging and fine-tuning. Supports multiple ULM components but so far without steady-state initialization.
- Patch 3 (includes patch 2, Aug. 30, 2023)
- Writes the ATP-file header correctly
- Does not assume ULM Foreign Model as default
ATPDraw previous version (7.3), May 8, 2021
- General update of sample frequency in Power System Toolbox. Sample frequency not restricted by simulation time step anymore.
- Original COMTRADE object updated with the same sampling (up and down) approach as COMTRADE1 and COMTRADE2
- Updates in multiple runs for LCC containing constant parameters. Avoids punch file creation and maintains multi-core operation. Speeds up this type of simulation significantly.
- Plots. Improved appearance with right handle. GDI+ drawing. No Zoom rectangle after double-clicking. Copy bitmap. Vertical cursor included. Choose other series for x-axis (instead of time).
- Sidebar. Extended width. Changes on simulation page. Different selection of time-domain vs. frequency scan with extended parameters in both. Removed some options to provide more room for Variables.
- Variables. Extended in sidebar with optional column for parsed values for user selectable simulation number KNT. Better control and debug possibilities for Variable Values.
- Variables. New selector @FILEA connects to an attached file in the project instead as on disc used by @FILE. @FILE selector extended to allow full path and not only ResultDir folder.
- Variables. Maintained when pasting or importing (sub-)circuit.
- EMTP_OUT. Selected UM machine number stored properly. UM TO TACS machine number left adjusted in ATP file.
- Read old v3 projects (adp-file) with LCC/XFMR/BCTRAN data.
- User Specified. Include method 'Use file' added. Nothing dumped to disc when ATP is executed, simply writes $INSERT, filename. Relies on external file on disk from another source.
- Length in LCC_ section icon stored properly.
- Flip. Selection area properly updated. Relevant only for components with an unsymmetrical Frame.
- RMS input option for all nonlinear inductances.
- Type-15 sources. Supports Hevia’s in-line fitting of TWO-EXP, HEIDLER and STANDLER. In addition, an optional internal, alternative optimization is added that extends the feature.
- Two new type 10 (voltage/current) sources. Sawtooth and pulse train.
- Patch 1:
- Updates the standard component library ATPDraw.scl for the phasor calculators with TIMESTEP min: recip(8*SAMPLEFREQ)
- Patch 2:
- Setting of circuit size under View|Options allows inserting components at sizes >100 %
- Source type-1 written properly to disk in multiple runs using Internal Parser
- XML comp attribute HighRes for setting $Vintage, 1
- Plot: Frequency scan corrected also for log-scale. Preliminary (not stored in project) option to get ang/re/im curves setting the # column
- Plot: Log-scale option added
- Patch 3:
- Edit|Arrange back/front procedures swapped. SendToBack sends the object to the beginning of the list (Sidebar|Project/Objects). The procedures now support multiple selected objects.
- DHM96 magnetic hysteresis component with support of user-defined material
- XML header changed. Sub-elements header_output, header_format, header_freqscan, header_statsyst, header_um, header_loadflow added. SysFreq and EPSILN added as attributes. Correction of zero-sequence error in BCTRAN XML-format. UseParser added as attribute to Variables.
- Patch 5 (replaces patch 4 having a LIS-file problem):
- Fix loss of Variable definition for non-standard data. Value set to zero instead of creating runtime error.
- LINESY_3 and LINESY_6 component names results in ATP-file output.
- SATTRAFO zigzag phase shift set correctly when opening dialog
- Voltage probe output to screen also for voltage sources.
- Zooming with Ctrl+MouseWheel
ATPDraw previous version (7.2), Sept. 12, 2020
- New LCC approach without DataBaseModule (DBM) $INCLUDE. Node names inserted directly into the punch files. This allows a much larger number of phases (DBM approach restricted to 999 cards). New choice of Embed or $INSERT available, Embed recommended for small cases. Choice to cloned objects removed (same Name, copy content?). For $INSERT, all LCC components will get unique punch files written to disk with identified ‘1’..’n’ added to the component’s name. For old circuits, re-run of ATP is enforced to create new punch files.
- Bug fix related to sectionalized PI-equivalents in LCC.CableConstants. Improvements in Verify.
- Input dialog of TATPDrawPlot object updated with easier access to plot color, legend name and right axis and easier setting of axes and background. The advanced ChartSettings option moved in the back.
- Open/Save dialogs not drawn in themed style (better user control, in file dialogs).
- FluxN probe properly referenced in Selection menu.
- UMSYN object showed wrong time constant Tq0’ instead of Td0’’ for Salient DQ-damper rotor.
- In the optimization module, the Simplex Annealing setup is corrected and the error about the GA.txt file does not appear.
- For multi-run cases, ATPDraw writes LIS-file error messages to the log-file and allows the user to abort the LIS-file scanning or skip sub-sequent LIS-file error boxes.
- Main form of ATPDraw shown in the middle of the screen (not desktop) at startup.
- MODELS input pl4 added.
- Patch 1:
- Fixes the hanging background process when using the native 'Windows' skin.
- Support copy graphics (Ctrl+W) for Plots.
- Patch 2:
- Upgrade to newer compiler 10.4.1
- Update in Plot, better handling of time axis with ms etc.
- Critical fix when using Plot in combination with simulation error and non-existing PL4-files. Caused program crash with runtime 217 error.
- Improved performance when reading PL4 file, and skipping those not subscribed to.
- Patch 3:
- Improvements in COMTRADE part for multiple runs. Previous versions stored all data for all runs in the COMTRADE object and this could result in some unexpected crash for large cases. Now, only the last run is stored inside (used in View/Copy) unless 'Merge results in multiple runs' is checked.
- The COMTRADE object has the possibility to save the result as MatLab .mat v4 files. This supports multiple runs and allows a flexible way (user defined names and sampling frequency) to transfer results to MatLab.
- The problem with invisible Additional objects when opening old project files from ATPDraw v4 is corrected.
- Patch 4/5:
- Proper handling of advanced Plot settings (problem with axis limits in patch 3-4). Direct call of advanced settings from context menu.
- Patch 6:
- Selection|'Read PCH file..' works also RL-coupled lines.
- Lines PI and RL with 4 and 5 phases added to Standard component library.
- Patch 7:
- Significant change in the component UMIND. A change in v6 has been reverted back to the original topology with rotor reactance concentrated at the stator. This is how the fitting, torque plotting, and help file assumes it. It seems to be a mistake to locate the reactance at the rotor winding 1, at least without changing the fitting as well.
- Single-phase Bergeron cable models do not get a correct punch file by ATP (missing transformation matrix or transposition flag problem). ATPDraw corrects this for CABLE PARAMETERS by removing the col 79 flag.
- Transpositions did not work in v7 for line models with more than one circuit. Very important fix.
- Minor: Num-key +/- works with mouse inside the sidebar without zooming. View window and its click on curve dialog centered.
- Patch 8:
- Correction of variable handling in LCC and LCC_ objects. Previous versions did not recognize the variable unless the page containing the variable was active when OK was clicked.
- Patch 9:
- Correction of multi-circuit LCC PI-model individual circuit transposition. Previous versions gave a factor 1/3 wrong mutual zero-sequence impedances.
- Correction of LINEPI6S help file in description of parameters. Minor update of other LINEPI help files for capacitance.
- Bug fix in HFS_SOUR model supporting copy/paste of data.
- Patch 10:
- Correction of serious mistake in transposition of PI overhead line models in LCC. Accidentally a reactance value was mixed into the capacitance calculations.
- Updates of the variable handling in LCC/LCC_ related to patch 8, ref Forum 5996. This speeds up the calculation process for multi-run cases without variables in the LENGTH, FREQ and GRNDRES data, for example Exa_21.acp. The speed-up in cases with LCC variables, requires a larger fix that comes in v7.3
ATPDraw previous version (7.1), July 18, 2020:
- Upgraded to latest compiler version Delphi 10.4 Sidney. This supposedly solves high DPI screen problems, right-click context menu and current projects under Windows menu.
- Significantly updated COMTRADE support with arbitrary sampling. Three different versions with various 3-phase and/or analog-digital inputs. COMTRADE moved to Selection menu|Probes&3-phase.
- Flux-linkage probes for both 3-phase and single-phase, with initialization at t<0.
- Plot object for direct, embedded plotting. Multiple-run support. NEWPL4=0/2 only.
- Patch 2:
- Fixes the exception error when start-up without network connection.
- Fixes the scaling problems of toolbar and main menu after restore.
- Patch 1:
- Fixes error related to open certain projects containing LCC-objects (related to icon update). Strange bug related to new compiler issue.
- Reverts the attempt of high DPI awarness and self-scaling. ATPDraw is now scaled by system on high DPI-screens as in older versions. Really no point to go self-scaling anyway without updating all icons.
- Update the COMTRADE 3-phase component with the Peñaloza sampling algorithm. Exa_26.acp is not updated, however.
ATPDraw previous version (7.0), Nov.23, 2019:
- Fundamental and comprehensive new version. Most significant update since v5.0.
- Completely new data structure with restrictions on component size removed.
- New User Manual and many new examples.
- Upgraded to Delphi XE8 and full unicode string support.
- Completely new object oriented data structure. Limits on data, nodes, icon size/elements/colors, non-linear points, machine masses, HFS_Sour harmonics, Sour_1 points, LCC conductors removed.
- Groups are managed and stored hierarchically. Simpler IO, UnDo/ReDo, faster node naming (children inherit parent, beware of possible issues).
- Compress process by visual selection with improved feedback. Inherited data/nodes visualized and locked.
- Sequence control of circuit objects, first in first out, sorting. Object tree inspector in sidebar.
- Variable extensions. "Hide" option can be variable. Mathematical expressions in input fields is allowed. Possible to give data as 14.3*sqrt(2/3)
- ATP execution in parallel threads and folders (with Internal Parser). Progress control (slow).
- Voltage and current probes with enhanced steady-state plotting, also beyond t=0. Very significant, hidden MODELS phasor calculator behind the scene.
- LINE3 model with steady-state current and power flow at each terminal.
- LCC module extended to an infinite number of phases. Single-phase layout support. LENGTH, FREQ, GRNDRES as data, variables for all geometrical and material inputs.
- File attachments to projects with drag&drop support. Add pl4, pdf, txt, doc, etc to project.
- New MODELS Editor with better syntax highlight, code folding and debugging. Context menu with functions and controls insert. Very significant upgrade.
- XML text format for file open/save relevant for manual manipulation and future data exchange.
- Register software replace by Web|Login to avoid hangs when is down.
- New components:
- LCC_EGM for statistical insulation coordination studies (see example 21)
- WriteMonteCarlo for overvoltage probability calculations (see example 21)
- DHM96 Zirka-Moroz hysteresis model (requires ATP>=2019)
- RINF component for large resistance to ground for increased readability.
- WRITESCREEN component that displays extremal simulation results on screen
- ACSRCMOD modulated AC source (1 or 3-phase, same functionality as ACSORCE)
- RAMPSTEP TACS source. Can be connected directly to ACSRCMOD for easy ramp-up.
- TRAPCHRG source. Trapped charge, disconnected at t=0.
- Numerous improvements and bug fix.
- Several new examples:
- Exa_17: Revised to cover embedded Windsyn.
- Exa_21: Statistical insulation coordination (Monte Carlo) with lightning strikes to overhead line.
- Exa_22: Synchronous machine controls. A) SM Type 59/58, B) UMSYN (WIndSyn), C) UM_1.
- Exa_23: Induction machine controls. UM_3, UMIND (WIndSyn), and Type56 in same data case.
- Exa_24: IEEE 9BUS power system with distance protection blocks.
- Exa_25: Inverter fed photo voltaic with controls.
- New User’s Manual substantially updated. 346 pages, many new examples, full coverage of new features
- Note! New project file format that earlier versions cannot read. Save As v5/6 available.
- Patch 8 (does not include project files from previous fixes) fixes the following
- Cable Constant grounding issue (Forum 5251)
- Node naming in case of multiple Connections with different phases indices connected to multi-phase (MODELS) node
- Introduces a new object TATPDrawUnknown to persist future unknown objects (forward compatibility)
- Patch 7 (does include help- and project files from previous fixes) fixes the following
- Superfluous Internal Parser tests of variable when loading removed (affects RAN/GAUSS) (Forum 5154)
- Output Manager statistical output ON state (Forum 5154)
- SM parallel operation problems (Forum 5167, bug 1+3)
- MODELS input with combination of 3-phase and Splitter input name conflicts (Forum 5239). Rather comprehensive fix was needed that potentially could give new bugs.
- Cable Constant grounding. Sheath and Core grounding was confused when ending input dialog (Forum 5251).
- COMTRADE file generator added (found under Power System Toolbox). Downsampling and up to 18 analog and 9 digital channels supported in ascii or binary IEEE 1999 format. Tested with SIGRA software.
- Additional new components; ABC2DQ0D, ABC2DQ0I, ABC2XYZ, CAR2POL
- Patch 6 (does NOT include help- and project file fixes from patch 1-4) corrects the following
- Serious double transposition error for PI-type cables with Snaking checked.
- Connections between different phases, when Cancel was pressed in the Connection dialog got white color and thus appeared invisible.
- W!RELAT87T when plotting the trip zone (View) asociated Istep2 with the differential current instead of the restraint. It only involved the plotting not the trip logic.
- TRAPCHRG source got incorrect icon when Amplitude was set to -1
- Statitical tabulation On checkboxes didn't repond correctly.
- When loading old circuit, ATPDraw incorrected checked the Variables with the Internal Parser which fails for RAN and GAUSS function (maybe more).
- Patch 5 (does NOT include help- and project file fixes from patch 1-4) corrects the following
- SPLITTER having user specified node names on the single-phase side is managed.
- LCC (template) objects with the same name get equal LENGTH, FREQ and GRNDRES data enforced.
- Line&Cable/'Read PCH file' identifies line length for Clarke and KCLee lines.
- Patch 4 (includes patch 1-3) fixes the incorrect storage of BCTRAN nonlinear core characteristics.
- Patch 3 (includes patch 1 and 2) fixes the following issues
- Several component dialogs (nonlinear, USP, Additional) could not show the built in text editor when it was already open via ATP|Edit ATP File or ATP|Show LIS-file ('Cannot make a visible winow modal' error message). This applies also to Preview option in the Output manager.
- The same fundamental error shown up even more seriously after simulations in the case of showing simulation errors and when the 'capture screen output' option in the ATP Connection setup was used. It could lead to the mysterious runtime error 217 crash.
- The TRAFO_S component keeps the RMS setting from the input dialog.
- Patch 2 fixed the following issues:
- Extended help file ATPDraw.chm with better access from ATPDraw. The help file system is also available online.
- Fixes Exa_22 cases to get fault on same phase as in the Users' Manual. Corrects speed input to voltage regulator for universal machines (input voltage).
- SampleFreq units set to Hz in all ABC2 and UI2 power system tools.
- TAB order improved and ESC key linked to Cancel button in most dialogs.
- Patch 1 fixed a serious bug in LCC and Cable Delete.
Previous version (6.3):
- New components:
- LINERL012 and LINERL3F for unsymmetrical and full 3x3 RL mutual coupling.
- TACSIND and TACSCAP for TACS controlled inductance and capacitance.
- ATP Connection Wizard (F10) expanded with ResultDir and Plotter settings to avoid Tools|Options.
- Bug fix: Multi-phase TYPE96 inductor required FLUX CURR settings for all phases.
- Bug fix: Current probes showing steady-state current on screen in parallel situations involving switch to ground.
- Bug fix: UI2PQ3 component used incorrectly claplace for method 2 power calculations (does not work because of timestep change).
- Bug fix: Name in LCC was set to 5 characters for an unknown reason, this limit is removed.
- Previous Version 6.2 updates
- Power system toolbox update:
- LINE3 fault expanded with single or double phase broken conductor.
- Exa_20 expanded with CB with CZ detection to simulate a more realistic tripping scenario.
- WIndSynI update:
- Locate half of leakage inductance to rotor also for double-cage and deep-bar cases.
- Remove the incorrect damping in Extra Load case.
- XFMR bug-fix:
- Typical Core with inner winding of different rating than primary gave matrix calculation error.
- Transposition of PI-equivalents in LCC. This is not natively supported by ATP, but ATPDraw now does this manually. Supports individually transposed circuits also for more than two circuits.
- 6-phase RL and RLC lines with individually transposed circuits.
- LCC verify misplacement of $$ flag corrected.
- LCC_ template change forces recompilation.
- Exa_ 15 now with optimized delay cell allocation.
The ATPDraw package consists of the following files:
- ATPDraw.exe (main executable)
- ATPDraw.scl (definition of standard components)
- ATPDraw.chm (help file)
- ATPDraw.ini (ini-file) (delete to use standard set-up)
- Example files 1-28 in /Projects. Zipped binary files with extension acp.
- A few example library files in the /USP, /MOD, and /BCT directories
- ATPDraw stores its settings in ATPDraw.ini preferably located in %APPDATA%/atpdraw (documents and settings/user/application data/atpdraw)
ATPDraw is only a pre-processor to the ATP package which requires a licence. A separate post-processing tool is also required. ATPDraw can be set up to execute ATP and a plotting program directly via ATP|ATP Connection (F10). A licence for ATP can be obtained free of charge from the EEUG organization.